This page is used as a portfolio and updated with the most recent tech articles that I’ve authored, apart from those on this blog.

With Squadcast, I’ve written tool-specific articles and others with a general overview on some tech topics.

Infrastructure monitoring using kube-prometheus operator

Kyverno – Policy Management in Kubernetes

Implementing Istio in a Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure as Code: All you need to know

For Learnk8s I’ve authored multiple tutorial-based articles, ranging from 6000 to 8000 words.

Each article, in detail, covered how the reader can utilize Terraform to provision Kubernetes clusters on different Cloud Providers. Technologies covered were Terraform, Kubernetes, Helm, Nginx. On four cloud providers, AWS, GCP, Azure, and Linode.

Tracing the path of network traffic in Kubernetes

Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on AWS with Terraform and EKS

Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on GCP with Terraform and GKE

Getting started with Terraform and Kubernetes on Azure AKS

Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on Linode with Terraform